NGO Forum on ADB will be hosting 2 panels in the Civil Society Program of the Asian Development Bank's (ADB) Annual Governor's Meeting (AGM). Please see the details below -

ADB has pledged to meet the Paris Agreement by further mobilizing public and private finance to help countries reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change. Together with other multilateral development banks, ADB has committed to considering “climate change across strategies, programs, and operations to deliver more sustainable results, with a particular focus on the poor and most vulnerable.” In view of the provisions in ADB’s 2009 Energy Policy, the panel will discuss ADB-supported energy projects in selected developing member countries in the context of achieving adequate and affordable energy by promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy, consistent with the principles of the Paris Agreement.
Avril De Torres
Research and Policy Head, Center for Energy, Ecology and Development
Robert Guild
Chief Sector Officer, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, ADB
Rayyan Hassan
Executive Director, NGO Forum on ADB
Hemantha Withanage
Executive Director, Centre for Environmental Justice

The ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS) aims to promote sustainability of project outcomes by protecting the environment and people from projects' potential adverse impacts where possible, and helping borrowers to strengthen their safeguard systems and develop the capacity to manage environmental and social risks. National instruments, environmental laws, and social protection mechanisms of selected borrowing countries are, at times, not at par with ADB’s SPS standards. In many cases, while policies were strong on paper, implementing agencies face many challenges in upholding ADB safeguards standards. Some ciivil society groups, including the NGO Forum on ADB, believe that there is no clear policy framework in ensuring safeguards in ADB supported projects that are cofinanced with other multilateral development banks. The session will discuss issues and concerns related to the implementation of ADB’s SPS.
Walter Kolkma
Director, Country and Thematic Evaluation Division, Independent Evaluation Department, ADB
Hassan Mehedi
Chief Executive, Coastal Livelihood and Environmental Action Network (CLEAN)
Annabel Perreras
Advocacy Coordinator on AIIB, NGO Forum on ADB
Rajeev Sharma
South Asia Projects Director, Building and Wood Workers International
Woochong Um
Director General and concurrently Chief Compliance Officer, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, ADB
Hemantha Withanage
Executive Director, Centre for Environmental Justice
Live stream of the event will be available at NGO Forum on ADB's Facebook page