Sustainable Urban Development Investment Program
Approved in September 2007, the $30.6-million project intends to rehabilitate the much-dilapidated Soviet-era roads totaling about 222.8 km consisting of 24 different road links in the regions of Gagharkunik, Ararat, Kotayk, and Armavir; of which, 76.5-km long is located in Gegharkunik and another 3-km segment is connected to Astghadzor community.
Implemented by the Ministry of Transport and Communication, the project also includes the development of an improved transport sector management system and the establishment of a road asset management system to enhance the institutional capacity of the government.

Water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project
Azerbaijan: East-West Highway Improvement Project is a priority project of the government between (2005-2014), it was under the transport development program.
According to the Report and Recommendation of the President (RRP), the Project will facilitate socio-economic development by improving the east-west highway and local roads linking the western part of Azerbaijan closely to Baku, the country’s capital; and increasing local communities’ access to markets, job opportunities, and social services. The Project will also strengthen Azerbaijan’s transport links to Georgia and thus promote regional cooperation.

Road Network Development East-West Highway Improvement Project
The East-West Highway Improvement Project was a priority project of the government between (2005-2014), it was under the transport development program.
According to the Report and Recommendation of the President (RRP), the Project was to facilitate development by improving the east-west highway and local roads linking the western part of Azerbaijan closely to Baku, the country’s capital; and increase local communities’ access to markets, job opportunities, and social services. The Project also strengthens Azerbaijan’s transport links to Georgia and thus promotes regional cooperation. socioeconomic
As part of the Asian highway network and one of Azerbaijan’s main routes for external trade, the east-west highway carries traffic between the Caspian and Black seas and had the potential to become an important route for transit transport between Asia and Europe.

Masalli–Astara Motorway Construction Project
The Masalli–Astara Motorway Construction Project is funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and World Bank (WB) under the MFF Road Network Development Program 39176, formerly known as the Southern Road Corridor Improvement Project.
According to the Report and Recommendation of the President (RRP), the project will facilitate socio-economic development. It will also increase local communities’ access to markets, job opportunities, and social services.

Community-Based Infrastructure Services Sector
A lot of villages in the Kyrgyz Republic do not have clean water. That’s why the Kyrgyz government asked the ADB for a loan amounting to US$36 million in 2001. The project was supposed to finish by 2007 but it did not.
The first project that was initiated involved the provision of infrastructure services at a settlement area amounting to US$45 million. The ADB will provide a loan amounting to US$36 million; the government of the Kyrgyz Republic through co-financing will shoulder the remaining US$9 million.
The second project amounting to US$24.5 million is the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation. This includes a US$15-million loan from the World Bank, a grant from the Department of International Development in the amount of $US6.25 million, and co-financing of the government of the Kyrgyz Republic in the amount of US$3.25 million.
The problems that arose during the monitoring turned out to be the same with regard to the whole country.

Rural Area Water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project
The Center for Introduction of New Environmentally Friendly Technologies Public Fund (CINEFT), which has been monitoring the ADB-funded water project in Kazakhstan, faced difficulties in accessing project-related information from state bodies.
They had contacted the regional administration (Akimat) for the list of villages in the project area. After several discussions with the Department of Energy and Municipal Economy of Karaganda Oblast Akimat, they were able to receive the requested information.
Another important state body that provided the relevant information was the General Office of Public Prosecutor based in Astana and also its regional branches. They got information on the project only from the South Kazakhstan Public Prosecutor’s Office.